About leadership coach Mette Hvied Lauesen

Certified leadership coach, career coach, stress coach and grief recovery specialist

About leadership coach Mette Hvied Lauesen

Certified leadership coach,
career coach, stress coach and
grief recovery specilist


About leadership coach
Mette Hvied Lauesen

Certified leadership coach, career coach,
stress coach and grief recovery specialist

Get help creating sustainable leadership

As a leader, you're not just responsible for your own well-being. Your physical and mental wellbeing also affects your employees, and if you don't feel well, you increase your own and their risk of conflict and stress.

That's why it's important that you create a long-term sustainable work life and leadership.

As a certified leadership coach and career coach, I help introverted leaders create a working life where you thrive both as a leader and as a person.

Leadership coach: Find peace in your leadership role

Giving your leadership a service check makes sense for both new and experienced leaders. As a leadership coach, I guide you to make the changes you need to thrive in your leadership role.

Leadership coach for new leaders

If you're a new leader, I help you find peace in your leadership role without compromising your own values. When you rest in your leadership and stand by yourself as you are, you can bring all your skills into play.

Leadership coach for experienced leaders

If you are an experienced leader, I can help you develop your leadership skills and become clearer as a leader to reduce conflict and stress in your everyday life.

Career coach: Create the framework to thrive

Maybe you doubt whether you've chosen the right career path or industry. Maybe you're tired of not being able to be yourself in the workplace or that your contributions aren't valued. Then it might be time to explore new opportunities.

I'll help you clarify your needs and find the framework that gives you the best conditions to utilise your skills.

Coach for introverts: Find your place in the world

As an introvert, you've probably experienced being overlooked, ignored or someone else taking credit for your work all too often. Maybe this has also affected your self-esteem? I can help you take your place and speak up in the moment, not afterwards when it's too late.

What you can expect from working with me

You have my full attention

I only have a few 1-on-1 coaching clients at a time to build the trust and solid relationship that is the foundation of a fruitful collaboration.

You can feel safe throughout the entire process

You can't move without stepping outside your comfort zone, but you can rest assured that I'll make sure it happens gradually and that I'm ready to pull you back in.

Kvinde med briller og halvlangt hår, der står ved gelænder med kop i hånden.
Schedule a free call

You will be taken seriously - with a smile

Humour is a recurring theme in my coaching practice. I always take my clients and their problems seriously, but tend to serve up the hard truths with a twinkle in my eye that makes them easier to swallow.

You will be challenged

Whether you're looking for greater peace of mind in your leadership role or need clarification about a job change, you can count on me to challenge your worldview and the unconscious biases that hold you back in your working life. The aim is to give you the push you need to get to where you want to thrive.

I show the way, but you have to do the work

Being coached is demanding. I will guide you safely through the process, but the outcome depends on your own effort and how much you are willing to move mentally.


Why I can help

I have over 10 years of experience counselling leaders. Since 2018, as a self-employed leadership coach, I have helped leaders in Denmark and abroad to develop their personal leadership style and find peace in their leadership role.

I also teach 200 researchers and managers annually how to create a positive and productive work environment on internationally recognised leadership courses* through my close collaboration with Leadership Sculptor.

*EMBO Laboratory Leadership

  • MHLauesen

    “Leadership coaching with Mette gave me some necessary tools and skills to become a better leader, and it also helped me reflect on what type of leader I want to become. I am grateful for the time and opportunity I had to learn from such an experienced coach.”

  • MHLauesen

    “First and foremost, a big thank you to you for assisting me through one of the darkest chapters of my life!

    I know this is what you do for a living, but quality is many things, and I have found your conversations to be top-notch and hugely stimulating. There is both counterplay and co-operation in your conversations, and you manage to dose and use both right where it moves the most.”

  • MHLauesen

    “In difficult situations, I still think "What would Mette ask me now?" because her coaching helped me get my thoughts in order so that I could focus on my goal.”

  • MHLauesen

    “I experience Mette as trust-building and empathetic with a genuine interest in creating personal change. She is questioning, listening and curious and has been able to challenge me to see challenges in new perspectives, which has greatly helped me to focus on the right things and bring me even closer to my goals.”

  • MHLauesen

    “Our meetings have really put things in perspective for me and you've helped me well in my job hunt. I now have some valueable tools so that I'm more aware of my strength as well as when to say no.”

  • MHLauesen

    “Immediately, I felt safe with you because of your empthy and your professionalism. You asked me the right questions in a way that made me understand my issue better

    Thank you so much”

  • MHLauesen

    “What Mette does really well is pinpoint what is important - what to ask so that I can move on. I always felt safe in her professional hands which is very important when it's a sensitive issue.”

  • MHLauesen

    “If you're facing a difficult challenge, I'll always recommend Mette. She's super competent and has a really great personality”

  • MHLauesen

    “Through your use of humour, support and and gentle pushes, I came closer to where I want my career to go”

  • MHLauesen

    “You can feel completely safe with Mette because she creates clarity and shows the way safely and competently. I can only recommend her warmly”

  • MHLauesen

    “You're genuinely interested in what you do and you motivate me in a way that makes me 100% sure that I'll succeed”

  • MHLauesen

    “Mette is loyal, constructive and warm while at the same time not afraid to ask the difficult questions about what really hurts in order to create as much progress and reflection as possible”

  • MHLauesen

    “It was wonderful to have Mette as a CoachOnDemand 24/7 for a few months. She coached med through some important career decisions and guided me to find my personal values. ”

  • MHLauesen

    “I've been really happy with your coaching and it has helped me move on. You've asked me the right questions that changed my chain of thoughts. And I thank you very much for it”

Certifications and training

I have a well-equipped toolbox of evidence-based certifications, training programmes and concrete tools that I know in depth. That's why I know exactly which tools to draw on, depending on what's best for you and your situation.

I continuously improve my skills through continuing education and new certifications.

ICF-certified leadership coach

I am a certified coach from Manning Inspire. The programme is Level 2 accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

Certified stress coach

I am certified in Bjarne Toftegård's stress coaching method, which is Denmark's oldest stress coach programme - and I'm really impressed with it. The method has a solid theoretical and practical foundation, and there is scientific evidence that it works.

Read more about stress coaching here

Certified mBIT coach

I am certified in the neuroscience-based method mBIT (Multiple Brain Integration Techniques) from mBIT International. The method is a further development of NLP and gives leaders a holistic approach to adaptive leadership.

Trained Enneagram Practitioner

I am certified in the Enneagram personality type tool from the defunct Think About It. I have been Vice President of the global board of the International Enneagram Association and was for many years chairman of the Danish chapter of the organisation.

Certified counsellor in Kommunikationsspejlet

I am certified to counsel leaders using the Communication Mirror tool developed by Danish researcher Anne Katrine Lund.

Certified Grief Recovery Specialist

I am a certified Grief Recovery Specialist from the Grief Recovery Institute in England. Based on the evidence-based Grief Recovery Method, I help leaders through grief and offer sparring on how to manage an employee in grief. I also offer grief counselling for private individuals. Read more about my grief programmes for private individuals at slipsorgen.dk.

Cand.mag. in English and Communication

I originally graduated with a Master's degree in American Social Studies and Communication from the University of Copenhagen. I speak English at native level and teach leaders and researchers in Denmark and abroad.

Stor værktøjskasse.

Get help creating long-lasting leadership

I am originally educated as a cand.mag. and have been a communication counsellor for many years. I am also trained in the Enneagram and grief processing through the Grief Recovery Institute in the UK.

I am passionate about

  • Creating better and more authentic leaders
  • supporting men and women in personal leadership - being able to choose and decide according to their own values and desires
  • helping people remove the noise that makes it hard to be authentic
  • Helping people with love - either to say goodbye to it with dignity and respect, or say hello to it with a pure and clear heart.

Regarding the Enneagram. The Enneagram, I have for several years and on several occasions been chairman of the Danish branch of the International Enneagram Association. I have also been Vice President of the global board of the same organisation.

Something that characterises me is that I'm good at creating a trusting space, that I'm good at asking the ‘right’ questions, that I use humour - and that I don't let you off the hook.

I speak English at a native level, which is why I have a lot of customers abroad.

My methods and tools 


  • The Enneagram
  • NLP
  • Japanese model IKIGAI
  • Swiss ZRM
  • mBIT-coaching
  • The wheel of life - simple and effective
  • My own High Five model on the WHY in your life

Terms and conditions

In a nutshell:

  • We work in confidence
  • You pay in advance
  • The materials I sell you are for personal use and not for resale
  • Cancel with 24 hours' notice - if you cancel later, you'll pay for it

Terms and conditions

Products and services are offered by MHLauesen by Mette Hvied Lauesen, Sommerbuen 37, 2750 Ballerup, CVR no. 27531385. You can contact me at mhl@mettehl.dk.

The digital products you purchase are yours in perpetuity unless otherwise stated. This does not mean that I host it in perpetuity. Therefore, please remember to download the material and then store it yourself.

Validity: These terms are the ones that apply unless we have agreed otherwise in writing, and they apply to agreements for the purchase of services, products or services from MHLauesen/Mette Hvied Lauesen.

Confidentiality: All your information, details etc. that you tell me or send to me in connection with your programme or our work together will of course be treated confidentially unless it conflicts with applicable legislation.

Prices: All prices are in Danish kroner and ex VAT unless I have stated otherwise.

Rights: All rights to workshops, courses, events and other digital products belong to MHLauesen / v. Mette Hvied Lauesen. It is also MHLauesen / v. Mette Hvied Lauesen who holds all rights to the material (unless otherwise expressly stated), whether printed or digital and used in connection with lectures, courses, workshops, grief processing courses (which are conducted under licence from the Grief Recovery Institute), coaching courses or otherwise. When you purchase my services, you get the right to use the relevant written and digital materials.

The right of use is personal.

All materials may only be used for your own use and may not be handed out or passed on to third parties.

Materials may not be used for purposes other than those for which they were purchased, including commercially - unless this has been agreed in advance.

Changes to conditions: MHLauesen / v. Mette Hvied Lauesen may at any time make changes to the current conditions without notice.

General conditions regarding payment and cancellation of coaching courses, grief courses, lectures, courses, workshops and other services:

Services are payable upon conclusion of the agreement and before commencement unless otherwise agreed in writing. The full amount or first instalment will be invoiced immediately after your registration and with payment terms of 8 days net. Enrolment is binding.

Coaching and processing programmes must be completed within 6 months unless otherwise agreed.

The amount is non-refundable once the programme is underway. Not even if you decide to stop before the programme is completed.

There is no difference between the conditions for sessions over Zoom and similar and face-to-face meetings.

As a rule, coaching and grief counselling programmes will be carried out at the agreed times. Should there be any changes, the customer will be informed at least 24 hours in advance. If I have to cancel, you will be informed at least 24 hours in advance.

Change/Cancellation of appointment: If MHLauesen / v. Mette Hvied Lauesen has to cancel a lecture, workshop, course or other, the appointment will be replaced by a new date by prior arrangement.

If a lecture is cancelled by the buyer 30 days before the agreed date, no fee will be charged.

  • If cancelled less than 30 days before the agreed date, 50% of the agreed price will be charged.
  • Cancellation less than 14 days before the agreed date will be charged 100% of the agreed price.
  • If you need to move the date of the event, this can usually be done free of charge by agreeing on a new date within the next 2 months.

Times for 1:1 sessions can be changed up to 24 hours before your appointment. If the buyer cancels at least 24 hours before the start of the session, the session can be moved to another time. If the customer does not arrive at the agreed time or cancels later than 24 hours before our appointment, the full amount will be invoiced. This means that if you have paid for a course, your cancelled time will count towards the total package.


Please pay via bank transfer to account: 0400 4031631810 in Lån & Spar Bank

Organisations and companies that I've worked with